Friday, January 22, 2016

How to Bond With Your Rabbit (Part 3)

Part 3 of 3 :Bonding with Your Rabbit

Be patient. Let your rabbit out of the cage to run around and explore. You may find your rabbit wants to hide somewhere dark, like under a couch, bed or dresser at the beginning. But rabbits are curious little creatures. They will not be able to resist the temptation of coming out to explore their new home. Just give the rabbit some time.
  • When your rabbit feels brave enough to come out for a look around, sit quietly (on the floor is best) and let your rabbit come to you. Rabbits are super cute and fluffy and the human being tends to want to hold, cuddle and pet the rabbit. Remember, they are prey animals and for the first day or two they don't know if you are going to eat them or not! So let your rabbit come to you first. If the rabbit sniffs or nudges you with his nose, do not move away. This is a good sign that your rabbit is starting to trust you
Know how to hold your rabbit properly. It's an easy step to overlook, but an important part of bonding with your rabbit includes learning to hold him properly. Failure to do so can make your bunny uncomfortable, and may lead to him squirming and struggling to get away. This can be painful for you and for the rabbit, as any kind of thrashing could cause neck and spine injury to the rabbit.
  • Be gentle but firm. Don't squeeze the rabbit, but make sure that your hold on him is firm enough that he won't fall or squirm out of your hands. Use the minimum amount of restraint necessary to keep him safely in your arms.[27]
  • Support the back and hindquarters. This is a crucial part of properly holding a rabbit and should not be overlooked.[28]
Let the rabbit come to you. If your rabbit isn't comfortable being handled yet, he certainly won't enjoy being grabbed and pulled out of his cage. Instead of removing him from his little home to spend time together, let him come to you. Leave the door of his cage open and wait until he feels like coming out to explore.[29]
Give yourself alone time. This is particularly important if you recently adopted your rabbit, as he'll need time to adjust and grow comfortable to the people and place that make up his home.[30]
  • Withdraw into a quiet, closed-off room. It should be just you and your rabbit, with no other animals and nothing to distract your bunny.[31]
  • Offer the rabbit treats. These can help disarm an anxious animal, and they're good for your bunny, too. Aim for healthy treats like a baby carrot, a tiny slice of apple or banana, or a small spoonful of oats. Let your bunny eat a piece of the treats off the floor, then try to feed him out of your hand.[32]
  • Make this a daily practice until your rabbit gets comfortable being around you. Repetition and routine are the keys to familiarity.[33]
Don't rush the rabbit. If your rabbit is new to the household and isn't comfortable being handled or petted, don't force it on him. That will only traumatize him and could cause him to be fearful of you in the future.[34] In fact, some rabbits never become accustomed to handling, because of their status in the wild as prey animals.[35] If your rabbit won't let you touch him, there are other ways you can bond with and soothe your nervous bunny.
  • Use a soothing voice to calm your rabbit. Talk to him often, and let him get used to the sound of your voice.[36] Let it get used to your voice. Rabbits are social creatures and they get bored sitting in cage all day. Sometimes, just by talking to your rabbit, it will lay down and gently grind its teeth in approval!
  • Never yell at your rabbit. They can't be disciplined or trained like other pets. They won't understand why you are yelling and you will only scare your rabbit if you are loud.
  • Offer your open hand for your bunny to sniff. If he's not used to being around you, he may need to get accustomed to the way you look, smell, and sound before he's comfortable being handled.[37]
  • Never make any sudden movements around your rabbit. This could frighten him and send him running back into his cage.[38]
Try mimicking your rabbit. Some rabbit owners may not be comfortable trying this at home, especially in front of other people. But some rabbit specialists advise that pretending to wash your face and head the way your rabbit does can be disarming to a new, frightened rabbit. Seeing his human act the way he does might help him get comfortable in his new home.[39]

Adjust to his schedule. Remember that rabbits are most active around sunrise and sunset each day, and spend much of the afternoon resting. If you want to initiate playtime or bonding time with your bunny, do so during the time of day when he's most active and most likely to want to play.[40]
Continuous to read :


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